Contending for the Faith :The Security and Enablement to Contend
Jeanne joined our staff in 2024. She has been called to use her gifts to love and serve our youth as the Youth Ministry Assistant. She has a BS in Early Childhood Education from Texas A&M. Jeanne is married to Levi Thomas and they have three children; Sarah, Emily, and Michael. In her spare time she enjoys camping, reading, visiting national parks, and spending time outside with her family.
Heather joined our staff as our Ministry Assistant in 2023. She is an integral part of our church and helps to keep the wheels turning using her gifts and talents in administration. Heather worked as an administrator in the business world for 10 years before getting married. She has been married now for 22 years to Jeremy and we have three children Vivian, Everett and Levi.
Dr.Ryon Phillips serves as the Groups and Connections Pastor at MBC. He holds a doctorate in Educational Leadership from Dallas Baptist University (DBU), a Master’s in Christian Education from Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS), and a Bachelor’s in Human Resources/Marketing from Missouri Southern State University (MSSU). Dr. Phillips played college football at MSSU all four years and led the university’s Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Ryon served in athletic administration at DBU from 2018 – 2024 and is still an adjunct professor. He joined the staff at MBC in October of 2024.Ryon has been married to Kourtney since 2016, and they have two children: Kamrynn & Gracen.
contact me.
Kristen joined our staff in 2021. She is an integral part of our Kid’s Ministry Team using her skills and talents as our MBC CrossKids Director and Preschool Coordinator.
She has a BS in Early Childhood Education from Texas A&M, as well as a Master’s degree in Public Administration from Bush School of Public Service and Administration.
Kristen has two children, Roland and Morgan. She loves the outdoors, music, and hanging out with her children.
Brandon Emerson is our Pastor of Children and Families. He has a MA degree in Christian Education from Southern Seminary in Kentucky, a BA in Christian Ministries from Union University, and has served in churches in Arkansas, Tennessee, and Kentucky before moving to the great state of Texas. He is married to Amanda, and they have three kids – Eli, Eva, and Sarah Beth. Brandon enjoys going on adventures with his family, watching college football, and eating at good Mexican restaurants. contact me.
The Senior Pastor at MBC is Matt Reynolds. He holds a ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary and a BA in Elementary Education from Cedarville College. He has served as a pastor both in Missouri and Texas for the last 20 years, but he joined the staff here at MBC in December of 2014. Matt has been married to Elizabeth since 1998 and they have three children: Madeline, Hannah, and Samuel. contact me.
Ezekiel (Zeke) Garcia is the MBC Student Ministries’ Pastor. Prior to coming on staff in May of 2020, he worked at various times as a worship pastor, youth pastor, and camp counselor in Arkansas and Missouri. He is also a Christian Hip Hop artist. Zeke has been married to Karlee since 2012 and they have four children. Zeke’s interests include writing, playing, and recording music. He enjoys playing sports of any kind—but he especially likes basketball. He also enjoys spending time with his family, game nights, and going to the me.
Jeremiah Olsen is the Worship Pastor at MBC. He has been leading worship for 15+ years and has a heart to use the gifting God has given him in music to serve the church. He is passionate about building up other worship leaders within the church and helping them grow in their abilities. Jeremiah has been married to Amanda since 2014, and they have three young children. Jeremiah‘s interests include writing and recording music. He also enjoys all things outdoors including fishing, hunting, and camping. contact me.
Paul Schrodt serves as an Elder at MBC. After earning his Ph.D. in Communication Studies at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln in 2003, he taught at the Universities of Texas at Arlington and Kansas before joining the faculty at Texas Christian University, where he has taught since 2006. Paul grew up attending MBC as a youth and joined the Elder board in 2016. He and his wife Danielle have raised their two sons, Isaac and Eli, at MBC. Paul enjoys following his favorite sport teams, watching movies, and reading books on theology and apologetics.
I received Jesus during my senior year at the university. Jeannie and I have been married 50 years and have five children. We have been involved with MBC since the founding in the 1970’s. I am president of a manufacturing company located in Mansfield.
Gary & Demetra joined MBC family in 1990 they have 3 grown children Aaron, Zachary and Gabrielle. They have served in several ministries over the years Greeter, Nursery, Elementary Sunday School, JV Sunday School, Senior High Support, Deacon, Elder, Safety Team.
Kim is a fourth-generation son of Midlothian. He lives on the farm his great-grandparents bought in 1892. Now retired, Kim’s original career was in education. He served forty-four years in Cedar Hill ISD as their Chief Financial/Operations Officer. He began attending MBC in January of 1974–a mere six months after its official founding. MBC only had about 25 people attending at that time! He considers it a blessing and privilege to have served as MBC’s treasurer for many of those years. Although a bachelor with no children, Kim has had the great joy of mentoring many “adopted” sons who help him on his farm. He also serves as a mentor to several awesome Re:Generation participants. After the Savior, the family at MBC is the love of Kim’s life. However, he clings to Revelation 22:20b…”Even so, come Lord Jesus.”
As a teenager, the church family at MBC played an important role in helping me come to a saving faith in Jesus. Two of our pastors performed the wedding for my wife, Denise, and me. Our son, Gunnar and daughter, Chloe, have been raised in MBC, and have each placed their faith in Christ due, in part, to the strong Biblical teaching we have always had in this church family. I pray you will find a church family that means a much to you as this one means to me.