MBC WEEKLY NEWS – October 22, 2020

weekly update – 10-22-2020
This update will be a little out-of-order, but we wanted everyone to know that since the forecast is for beautiful weather this weekend, we decided to jump on the opportunity to have ONE OUTDOOR SERVICE THIS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25th AT 10:30am! (No family service!) Bring lawnchairs and an awning if you have them, but know that we will have extra chairs on hand if you don’t bring your own! We have posted the lyrics for the songs on our website (click here), but we will also have paper copies on hand for you to use. Finally, here is the link for the livestream in case you’d prefer to watch from home: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocqjBwo1lh4
Noteworthy Community Outreach Opportunities
MBC Kids
MBC Students
Sermon Recap for 10/18/20Series: Growing as Disciples Who Make Disciples Title: OUR POSITION IN CHRIST Passage: Romans 6:1-19 Outline:
Whenever I hear a message on our position or identity in Christ, I always picture when the Rafiki, the monkey, takes Simba to the reflecting pool on the plains of Africa from the movie, “The Lion King.” When Simba expresses fear and uncertainty about returning to the rest of the pack at Pride Rock, Rafiki says, “Remember who you are!” Rafiki reminds Simba that Simba is the son of the king. While it might have been fun for Simba to roll around in the mud and eat bugs, it wasn’t how the king of the jungle should act. Simba had responsibilities that came with his identity, and he needed to step up and assume his position as rightful heir to his father’s kingdom. While not perfect, this is a good picture of how we, as believers, out to consider ourselves. We may like laying low and getting dirty with sin. It’s easy to fall for the lie that sin is the better choice or that it still has dominion over us. However, it’s not true!!! We are children of the King of ALL Kings, and along with this position comes a new identity. We choose not to sin–not out of fear of losing our salvation! We choose to follow Christ away from sin even when it’s hard because it’s who we are. And we know we can say “No!” to sin because:
I will end this update with this benediction from Jude 24-25, “Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time now and forever. Amen.” In service to Him and to you, |