Weekly Update – 1/21/19

MBC Newsletter
Have you been setting your alarm to remind you to pray for an opportunity to share the gospel with one person in 2020, that one person would come to faith in Christ in 2020, and that God would be preparing one person for you to disciple in 2021? It’s a good challenge!
It reminds me of when Mike and I were first married, and we were working with the youth group at the Reese AFB Chapel in Lubbock. I had been meeting with three high school girls regularly for Bible study and prayer, and I thought I had been making real progress. One night, we talked about where they would go if they died. We read verses from the Romans Road (I know, I’m dating myself), and I led them in the Sinner’s prayer. Then, they each voiced their faith in Jesus. I was ecstatic! I drove home from our meeting feeling on top of the world.
Until I got a call later that night from one of the girl’s mothers. She asked if I could write down the words of the prayer we prayed for her, so she and other members of their family could “pray the words that would make sure they got into heaven.”
Bubble burst.
If I had only asked the girls, “What are you seeking?” Then, I would have been able to discern better if they truly wanted to be disciples of Christ or were merely trying to obtain “fire insurance” that would protect them against going to hell. Yes, Jesus saves us from hell, but He also saves us TO a life with Him and all that comes along with that.
Live and learn.
- Family Meal Night is tomorrow! We hope you will join us from 5:30-6:30pm for tacos, nachos, sopapillas, and Kim’s famous Cinnamon-Vanilla ice cream. You don’t even have to stay for any of our Wednesday night programs to take part in the meal–although we certainly hope you will! I’m sure there’s a class that will help you connect better to the body here at MBC. We have classes for men, for women, one for parents, and–new this semester–is the class, “Engaging Mind and Culture”! Stick around after your tacos! Any one of those groups would love to have you!
- Also starting tomorrow is the MBC Women’s Wednesday Morning Bible Study! Peggy Arendsee will be facilitating a Bible study using the book Do You Love Me? by Debbie Swindoll. This study will explore our relationships with God and others, and we will provide childcare AND breakfast! Come from 9:30-11am tomorrow and connect with MBC women from all generations and walks of life.
The MBC Women’s Ministry will have its Coffee and Conversations: Game Night! this Sunday from 7-8:30pm! Don’t worry if you’ve been attending the Revelation study! Mike promised he’d end the bulk of the study by 7pm so we girls can all go over and play BUNCO together! Bring a snack to share and be ready to win! Those of you who’ve played BUNCO before know there’s even a prize for the biggest loser, so invite a friend or neighbor to come enjoy a fun evening of fellowship. Who knows? Getting them in the door of our church might just be helping them take their next steps in Christ!
If you are interested in possibly taking part in an MBC mission trip to Albania this summer, please stop by the Hospitality room after the service this Sunday for a short informational meeting. Email Mary Thomas (click here) for more information.
Dave and Cindy Cox are MBC missionaries with the Word of Life seminary in Brazil. They will have a table outside the sanctuary for you to visit them and find out more about their ministry. This is their last Sunday with us, so be sure to stop by and pick up one of their prayer cards!
The next Discover MBC class will be February 9th and 16th during the 9am Sunday School hour in the Hospitality room. If you’ve been wanting to take your next steps, e.g. becoming a church member/partner, please join Matt, Mike, and other church leaders to learn more about our mission and vision here at MBC.
We will be having a baptism on Sunday, February 23rd if you’d like to take this next step with Christ! Pre-register on the website (click here) or in Realm if you’re interested, and a pastor will contact you.
MBC Students will be putting on a Dinner & Comedy Showcase on Saturday, February 15th from 5-7pm. They will even have a silent auction! This is their only planned fundraiser for the whole group for the year, so I know they’d appreciate your participation in making the evening a success. Tickets are $5 each and you can purchase them on the website (click here) or in Realm. Email Leah Austin (click here) in the youth office for more information.
Finally, and I’ll just put it out there because statistics say that there are plenty of people who attend church regularly that haven’t put their faith in Christ, if you think being a disciple of Christ is just about escaping hell, come talk to one of the staff here at MBC. We want you to know our King and Savior. Life with Him is not always easy, but He will never leave you or forsake you. Jesus is so much more than a fire insurance policy. Come and Seek Him today!
In service to Him and to you,
Heather Hogue