Weekly Update – 1/28/19

MBC Newsletter
Highlights from last week:
I hope you were able to join me in listening to Pastor Matt’s convicting message “Come and See—Part 2” about John 4 and the woman at the well. It included special music by David and Cindy Cox, MBC missionaries who will soon be returning to Brazil, and a special testimony from Amber Knott. If you missed it, you can find it online in our sermon archives area under “Resources”on the main page. There are also many other helpful bits of information and tools on our website including a link to create a RightNow Media account, a short gospel presentation you can share with someone who might be searching, a link for electronic giving, and a list of upcoming events. You can even find the “Weekly Update” under “Resources—MBC Family News”! If you haven’t seen our website recently, check it out! Our IT specialist, Sherri Hatcher, has done a great job creating a useful and beautiful site.
This past Sunday, we had the highest attendance since Mike and I came on staff in July! 351 people were in the Sunday morning service! Thank you again for moving to the middle of the rows to make room for larger families and those arriving after the service begins. Thank you also for all you do to make our visitors feel welcome!
In addition to having large numbers at our Sunday service, we had a busy week of activities! The MBC Women’s ministry kicked off their study of the book Do You Love Me? By Debbie Swindoll and it’s not too late for you to join! Peggy Arendsee facilitates this intergenerational study which meets on Wednesday mornings from 9:30-11am. We provide childcare and a light breakfast, so you’ve really got no excuse to stay home! Hope to see you tomorrow morning at 9:30am in the Hospitality room!
On Sunday night, MBC women of all ages enjoyed a fun night of BUNCO in The Hub! Congratulations for our winners: Anna Taylor (had the final BUNCO), Courtney Rushing (most BUNCOs), and Angel Flournoy (most games won). Congratulations also to the biggest loser-Kay Parry–who lost almost every game and even rolled the lowest number during our roll-off. You might be last in the books, but you’re first in our hearts, Kay!!!
Last week also saw a successful Family Meal Night (although we missed you, Oma!) which served over 119 people a delicious taco dinner. Thank you to Donna Price and Kim Lewis for their amazing sopapillas and cinnamon vanilla ice cream! Thank you also to our team of servers which included LeeAnn and Rick Stover, Becky and Ron Sentz, Linda and Randy Pullen, Linda Lowry, Liz Jackson, Elizabeth Reynolds, Darlene Hardy, and the youth clean-up crew. (Please forgive me if I missed anyone.) You all were incredible. Our next Family Meal Night will be February 26th, so save the date. While we’re still deciding on a final menu, you can trust that it will be delicious.
Finally, it has been fun to see the response to the other new ministries MBC began offering this spring! Doug Arendsee has had a great turnout for his Engaging Mind and Culture group which meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8pm. You can check out his class anytime! And the Revelation Family Bible Study has been averaging more than 40 people each Sunday evening in the high school room. Note! This group is not meeting this Sunday night. However, students and seniors alike are welcome and encouraged to join us again on February 9th from 6-7:30pm in the high school room for this in-depth and scholarly study of the End Times.
On February 9th and 16th, we will have our next Discover MBC class. If you’re relatively new to MBC or you’ve been wondering about how to become one of our “member-partners,” please join Pastors Matt and Mike in the Hospitality room at 9am for a closer look at MBC’s vision, strategies for achieving that vision, and our leadership team. Please register on the website (click here) or in Realm since we will be providing materials and a light breakfast for those who attend. It will help us plan better if we know how many people are attending.
Mark your calendars for the MBC Students’ first ever Dinner & Comedy Showcase on February 15th from 5-7pm in the sanctuary. This will be their main fundraiser for the year to support their week of camp and other programming. (No yard sale this year! Sorry Pat Riggin!) Please come out to support them that evening. They will also have a silent auction, and I’ve heard Kim Lewis is donating two gallons of ice cream in your choice of flavor! It’s almost too good to be true! So bring your checkbooks and show our students some love by supporting them at this event. Sign up on the website or in Realm (click here), and contact Leah Austin (click here) if you have any questions or would like to help with the logistics of the evening!
February 23rd will be a baptism Sunday. Please preregister in Realm (click here) if you would like to take this step of publicly affirming your faith in Christ, and a pastor will contact you.
Our next MBC Women’s Coffee and Conversations evening will be Sunday, February 26th from 7-8:30pm in The Hub.
This will be hosted by Elizabeth Reynolds and Rachel Staalsen. So far it’s theme is a mystery, but I’m sure they have something fun in store. Also mark your calendars for the MBC Women’s Spring Mini-Retreat to be held at The Avenue Church in Waxahachie. We will be attending their Hope 2020 conference on March 13th and 14th as a group.
Tickets are $50 and the speaker on Saturday morning is Lysa TerKeurst. Purchase your tickets online by clicking here. There is no reserved seating, but they have agreed to set aside a special section for the women of MBC. We already have over 40 women who will be attending. If you have not already purchased your ticket, please do so and let the church office know so we can set aside plenty of seats for women from our church to be together.
Other items of interest:
Did you know that we’re growing Y.A.M.s here at MBC?!?! Not the sweet potato kind, but the Young Adult Ministry kind! This group is for current college students and graduates as well as young professionals wanting fellowship, Bible study, and service projects. They meet Sunday evenings at the Flournoy’s home from 6-7:30pm. Contact Corbin Wadkins (click here) for more information.
The Sunday morning women’s LIFE group will be beginning a study of Revelation on February 16th led by Lynette Green. They would love to have you join them from 9-10am in room A104.
Scott and Rebecca Taillon’s Sunday morning LIFE group will be starting a study of couples of the Old Testament. They would love to have you join them upstairs in room A201.
Scott BeVier’s class in room A101 will soon begin a study of the book of Judges with a focus on the character of Gideon! If you don’t already attend a Sunday morning LIFE group, come check out one of these!
In service to Him and to you,
Heather Hogue