Christmas in July!

Prison Ministry fundraiser
The MBC Prison Ministry began in 1998 in answer to the calling found in Matthew 25: 36
“I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.”
The mission of the prison ministry is to give encouragement and hope to “the least of these”, which society deems worthless and undeserving. Without hope spirits die and lives spiral into ruin.
Lives can be touched and changed when what is given can’t be returned and what is received can’t be paid for. This is accomplished by shining the love of Christ into the darkness and reclaiming territory lost to the enemy.

This ministry focuses on preparing offenders for reentry back into society.
- This accomplished in several ways: The ministry provides general chaplaincy operations which include counseling, administrative support, and religious programming for the 1050 men in the Sanders Estes Unit located in Venus, Texas.
- An annual distribution of Christmas gift bags to inmates each December. In many instances, these gift bags are the only Christmas presents that some receive. To prepare for this event, we have a “Christmas in July” fundraiser throughout the month of July.
- The ministry hosts marriage seminars throughout the year to provide inmates who will soon be returning to their families a day with their spouse to reconnect and begin the reintegration process. One wife commented that the seminar saved her marriage.
- Finally, the ministry provides incarcerated veterans specialized trauma and benefit counseling and other special programs. For example, inmates in the program lead Veteran’s and Memorial Day observances which give a sense of meaning and purpose to others. One member once said that “I feel as if I am worth something again.”
Currently, due to the pandemic, outside organizations are not able to enter the prison. However, the MBC Prison Ministry is working closely with Chains of Grace—another ministry that provides re-entry supervision and services for men and women coming out of incarceration—and plans to be ready with support and programming for inmates as soon as the prison reopens to visitors.
Contact Bill Curry at 972.951.3122 or if you’d like to know more or get involved.