Weekly Update – 1/15/19

MBC Newsletter
Good afternoon all!
You may have noticed that this update is going out a little later in the week than usual… That’s because my college/young adult children have been home this week, and yesterday at 11pm we were just finishing up an intense game night with them and some of their friends (BTW-Don’t play the game Telestrations with an artist. That’s free advice.). A couple of years ago, I would have excused myself early in the evening to go work—even if that meant taking time away from family. Now I know better. Time with our children goes by so quickly; if you blink you miss it.
In my mind, this ties into the message that Pastor Matt gave this past Sunday. Just like you can sit back and parent without really being present in the lives of your children, you can sit back and be a spectator in your Christian walk. Showing up on Wednesday nights, occasionally giving to the church, and even filling a chair in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings are all good things, but they shouldn’t be the end-all of our Christian walk. This attitude of “spectating” is not for mature believers. Spectating can even lead to an “arm-chair quarterback” mentality. Our own Bill Curry told me just today, “It’s easy to criticize when you’re unhindered by experience and responsibility.”
Our 2020 vision here at MBC is: Pursue followership over spectatorship by growing disciples who make disciples. For our walk with Christ to be vibrant and growing, we must actively seek ways to get beyond the role of spectator. Only by truly following Christ on to the playing field of life can we help others take their next steps in Christ.
News from last week:
- If you didn’t notice, last Sunday’s service was PACKED. Being military, our family moved around a lot, and we visited many churches. Mike and I usually didn’t return to churches where people didn’t make room for our family of six to sit together. Even worse was when people assumed we’d be comfortable sitting where the empty seats were—you guessed it–right at the front of the church. No one who arrives a little late wants to sit there! So let’s be sensitive to our newcomers and larger families. Please move to the middle of your rows and leave the back corner rows empty.
- This past Saturday’s Colombia Chili Cook-Off raised over $3100 for the E3/MBC Colombia mission trip in June! Congratulations go to Gary “Spurs of Spice” Spurlock for winning the judged portion of the competition. Peggy “Who Knew that Gurl Could Cook Like That?” was a close second with her delicious white chicken chili. Dawn “The Dawn of a New MBC Chili Champion” Sanders won third place! And as I told you previously, you shouldn’t have counted Otto Weldy out just ‘cuz he was a young ‘un! That boy snagged our hearts and palates with his “Dr. Pepper Chili” which also won him the People’s Choice Award. Thank you to all who helped by setting & cleaning up, bringing desserts, and purchasing items from the auction. Who knew Kim Lewis’ ice cream would score the mission team over $400 during the auction! Or were those just some crazy number tricks to raise the bidding played by auctioneer extraordinaire, April Royal? I guess we’ll never know for sure.
- Finally, we had a GREAT turnout for the Revelation Family Bible Study—so much so that we’re going to move the study to the Senior High School room this week to make use of a larger projection screen for those who want to take notes. Mike will use also use a mike to better increase his chances of being heard. Please join us this Sunday from 6-7:30pm for an engaging time of Bible study! Contact Linda Hachat (click here) for more information.
- Please join friends of Grant Kunz here at MBC this Saturday from 6-9pm for the “Help Grant Kunz Rock His New Stem Cells” fundraiser. This catered event will feature BINGO and a silent auction. Contact Cindy Fearis (click here) for more information or to purchase a ticket.
- Our next Family Meal Night will be in one week from today–Wednesday, January 22nd – from 5:30-6:30pm and will feature tacos, nachos, sopapillas, and Kim Lewis’ famous ice cream. You won’t even need to shell out the cost of a small goat to try it here! Please make sure to register on the website (click here) or in Realm so we know how much food to prepare! ($5 per person, $10 max per family suggested donation).
- The MBC Women’s Ministry is gearing up for the spring by bringing you a new morning study (Do Love Me? by Debbie Swindoll) led by Peggy Arendsee. Join us Wednesday mornings starting January 22nd from 9:30-11am for great teaching from the Word, fellowship, and breakfast snacks. Childcare will be provided. Cost is $10 for the book and you can pay and preregister on the MBC website.
- The MBC Women will also be getting together on January 26th from 7-8:30pm for Coffee & Conversation around a fast-paced game of BUNCO! I picked up some GREAT prizes (LUSH cosmetics & huge food baskets) at “After Christmas” sales, and you won’t want to miss this time of fellowship and fun. Invite a neighbor and bring a plate of snacks to share. Call the church office for more information.
- The next Discover MBC class will be February 9th and 16th at 9am in the Hospitality room. If you’ve been wanting to make the jump from spectator to partner (member) here at MBC, this is a great opportunity to explore opportunities to minister, connect with the elders and pastoral team, and learn some of the specific aspects of our policies and doctrinal statement. We will provide a light breakfast both Sundays, so please preregister on the website so we have enough food for everyone!
Finally, as you get ready for the final football game of the season, make it your goal this week and for the rest of 2020 to be a true follower of Christ and not just a spectator! Get in the game of making disciples!
In service to Him and to you!
Heather Hogue